6 weeks - 18 months
Infants are constantly growing, learning and changing and Only A Mother's Love teachers provide endless opportunities for development and discovery, all in a safe, clean, healthy environment. From day one, we start to build trust, spark imagination, and satisfy curiosity. We balance the stimulation that babies crave with plenty of caring and individual attention every step of the way. From developing fine and gross motor skills to introducing early math and language concepts, the first years are extremely important in how your child will develop social skills and intelligence – and our curriculum is a great place to begin. We encourage infants to use all of their muscle groups throughout the day, using developmentally appropriate toys and materials, while carefully observing their moods and demeanor to allow them to safely explore their world at their own pace.TODDLER

12 - 24 months
Toddlers are little busybodies and at Only A Mother's Love Childcare, LLC, that’s okay. As independence grows, so does the need to discover more about the world. We encourage inquisitiveness and creativity as children begin to develop their own special talents. We balance individual attention with group activities and ensure that your Toddler is using all that energy in productive ways. We give Toddlers plenty of opportunities to investigate, explore and play in a safe, secure, yet stimulating environment encouraging them to become independent, powerful, and competent thinkers. Story time and books help your child develop language and literacy skills, while early math concepts like sorting are a fun way to promote problem solving. Our unique blend of education and care meets emotional needs while promoting good social skills and learning.

3 - 4 years

4- 5 years
Every kid is a Super-SMART kid - that's the philosophy behind everything we do at Only A Mother's Love Childcare. Nurturing a lifelong love of learning starts in the early years, by engaging children in concepts and activities and letting then investigate and create their own knowledge. At this age, our curriculum builds on your child's cognitive, social and emotional needs in preparation for the very real differences of a kindergarten classroom. Aligned with standards set forth by national accrediting associations, this curriculum cultivates all the ways children are smart. Lessons are designed to ensure that children grasp concepts in ways that are most meaningful to them. Classrooms include learning centers designed around these “smarts” to encourage independent discovery. So in addition to the 3 R's (Reading, Riting and Rithmetic), your child will learn to love learning.